Montag, 31. Dezember 2012

2012. We survived :D

What a year!

Old friends.
New friends.
The Baseballs.
The Fires.
1 Year Diva&Kerl.
Byebye Luds.
18 years old.
Fireworkshows everywhere in Switzerland.
New workingplace.
Moving out of my flat.
Green Day.
Itchy Poopzkid.
In love.
Sick of love.
In love again.
Sick of love again.
In love again.
Sick of love again.
Realized, that I can't afford to have a best friend and a boyfriend (my nerves!).
Byebye Cry Baby.
Byebye Sisu.

Aaaand: survived 21.12.2012! ;)

Oh well. It was a good year. :)

Now I'd like to wish you a happy new year & enjoy the last hours of 2012!

Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

London 2012.

This year, my best friend decided to just leave me alone in Zurich for 5 months. She went to London. 

And because I am such an awesome friend (hihi.) I HAD to visit her there. As I realized, that I was going to see her, I started crying. In the plane. Oh well.

Here you go, some pictures of my trip:

 Really missed her. 

12 Bar Club in London. :)  

Dreambots & Petticoats! Best musical I´ve ever seen... :D

London was awesome(once again.). And to see my best friend, was awesome too. Pray for me, that she´ll be back in here veeeery soon! :)

Some girls, some dresses & some fun.


Pictures taken by the awesome peanut Fabienne on the 3rd of November 2012.