Samstag, 20. Oktober 2012

I´m back, bitches! :)

Hello my friends. :D

Well, yes. I forgot my blog. And I did not have a good computer, for a really long time, so I wasn´t able to post anything. Now I´m gonna tell you some stuff, about the last almost 2 years! :)

Finland 2011...         

In Summer 2011 I went to Finland. I fell in love with the country, the language and the people... Need to go back. Soon! I miss you girls...       


In Summer 2011, something beautiful happened. I got to know my very best friend! Such an amazing person. wouldn´t want to miss this friendship...

Diva&Kerl <3

Very amazing evening with him at Arbon.. :)


    Rock´n´Roll! ;)          

Happy Birthday to meeeee!

Ladies&Gentlemen: I finally got 18 years old! Had an awesome party, with some friends, some cake, some drinks, some bbq & some fireworks, made by my best friend :D        

Some of my friends had an awesome idea for my birthday... They rented an original, pink cadillac, to pick us up & bring us to an awesome Rockabillyparty in Konstanz, Germany. Guys, I FUCKING LOVE YOU!! :D                                                                                                                                       


 HEY! HO! LET´S GO!! :D On 1st of September one of my dreams came true. I SAW GREEN DAY LIVE! There were also some other, really great bands, like Itchy Poopzkid, Flogging Molly & Kraftklub. After 12 hours standing in the front row, we were kind of death. It was TOTALLY worth it ;)

Somehow I still think, 12 hours of headbanging were too much for me. My neck felt a little broken the next days... ;)  

Mother Monster in Zurich!

Ok... you guys know about my taste of music. And I guess you know, that I actually do not like Lady Gaga. But my Momma does. So I went to Gagas concert in Zurich with her. :D  Her show´s amazing! But well, I still don´t really like her music... ;)

Put your paws up for mother monster! :D                                                                                

Can you imagine how awesome it is, to see the same great band for 36 times? It´s very awesome. 
Every gig is different, every gig is special. And those little boys sure know how to rock!! :D

Up next: 

3.11.12, Oerlikon, Zurich
30.11.12 Uitikon, Zurich

Christmastime is coming!

AwwAwwAwwww! The Baseballs are going to play a Christmasgig in Zurich. THIS is going to be DAMN awesome! :D

Allright. Some impressions of my last 2 years... :) Had a great time, with friends, concerts, parties and more. See you soon.

Little Miss Rebi ;)

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